At St Francis we are committed to providing all children with an exciting and relevant science curriculum. This fosters a strong sense of questioning, acceptance and understanding of findings through hands on investigative work. Aiding learners to be ‘encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of awe and wonder and scientific thinking’ (Programmes of study key stage 1 & 2.) throughout the school.We believe in the power of outdoor learning therefore, the children take part in science within the local environment, in house workshops with experts within the field of science. Trips include the Science Museum, Natural History, Godstone Farm, Horniman Museum, Kew Gardens and The Royal Observatory-Greenwich.
Science in The Foundation Stage is planned through Understanding of the World section of the Early Years and Foundation Stage Framework. This allows children to take note and compare their environment, people, places and animals.
We follow the Connect Collins ‘Snap Science’ scheme of work for Year 1-6. It is a scheme which is designed to follow the new science curriculum which is intended to give children ‘ A high quality of science education provides the foundations for understanding the world.’ Teachers can also use other schemes of work as necessary.
At St Francis RC Primary School our enriched Science curriculum is designed to be accessible to all so that every child knows more, remembers more and understands more. We truly believe that every child, no matter what their starting point, gender or background can achieve in Science. We believe
St Francis RC school uses a variety of schemes of work for Science with the prevailing Developing Experts scheme. Learning in Science is conducted in a spirit of enquiry, where ideas are valued and where there is opportunity for practical investigation. Throughout our school, children are encouraged to develop and use a range of working scientifically skills including observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing, researching using secondary sources, collecting, analysing and presenting data, questioning, carrying out and setting up investigations. We promote and celebrate these skills on regular basis as we believe these are the living roots of Science.
Each science unit begins with a ‘wow’ tasks that provides a hook for learning, developing a sense of excitement and curiosity for children.
Our curriculum is spelling rich. Each unit of work is linked to a set of scientific vocabulary that we intend to practice through Spelling lessons. Each pupil is provided with the vocabulary through the presentations, Knowledge Organisers and the Vocabulary Grid.
Lessons are planned to challenge pupils based on the children’s different needs and abilities. Teachers emphasise the importance of an outstanding presentation of work in line with other core subject and promote varied ways of recording Science. Science is celebrated in the classrooms and around the school through the use of displays. We are committed to providing a stimulating, engaging and challenging learning environment.
We maintain a high level of subject knowledge of science in our school by regular training and professional development.
Assessment at St Francis RC school is teacher based and formed using formal strategies (e.g. periodic year group assessment tasks, quizzes, Diamond Hexagons, Developing Experts assessment, Explore, Engage, Extend activities, Vocabulary Grids, etc.) and informal strategies (Use of mind maps, verbal/written outcomes, Concept Cartoon, reflection tasks/presentations).
Formative assessment is used as the main tool for assessing the impact of Science at St Francis as it allows for misconceptions and gaps to be addressed more immediately rather than building on insecure scientific foundations.
We rigorously and regularly monitor our school’s provision of Science in line with our Science policy and in line with other core subjects, to ensure that the quality of our provision is good or better. The whole school progress is monitored through regular books scrutiny, termly Data Analysis and observations. At the end of each unit children are assessed against the National Curriculum levels based on STAR document.
In addition to our weekly classroom provision, we provide our children with wider opportunities in Science. This includes a participating in National Science week, where Science is taught cross-curricular all week around the set theme and after school clubs such as environmental club (when possible).
The successful approach to the teaching of Science at St Francis RC school will result in a fun, engaging, high quality Science education that provides children with the foundations for understanding the world that they can take with them once they complete their primary education.
Through implementing the above:
· Children’s work will show a range of topics and evidence of the curriculum coverage for all science topics with the emphasis on working scientifically coverage · Staff will use formative and summative assessments in order to know where children are at
· Standards in science at the end of the key stages will be good and in line or better than national expectations